Friday, November 6, 2009

Meeting him

I have to. You read his blog. I have to meet his blog with this one. He deserves it. picture me sticking my tongue out at him, even though he is downstairs visiting with my father. He has to know that I am doing this. In fact…yup. There he is, he just laughed in my head. He knows. I will talk about this mental link we have another night, first, I have to meet his blog with this one.

So, meeting him. He went into this poetic blog about seeing me on the river bank. well, picture this. I am in a mental turmoil about my father. worrying about what is going on, not knowing exactly what it is, but knowing something is wrong. and I am walking through the trees, through the forest, down to the river. there is a strange fog rolling through the trees, unlike any fog I have seen in the area. Yet, the fog is not at the river itself. Now how is that possible?

So I am at the river, and I look up and there is this man who is very pale…and frankly frightening. It was a little too dark, even with the moon…though at this point, I do not recall if there was moonlight or not. I wrote that detail in my journal and the book, but I am too lazy to go check, and it is too long since writing in them to remember. I do remember, though, that I was scared.

I remember him coming toward me, me backing up and my back hitting the tree and him leaning toward me. At the time I thought I saw fangs, but then at another point convinced myself I hadn’t…but you know the outcome of that. there were fangs. And there he goes. He just showed a mental picture at me of him flashing his fangs at me and laughing. Picture me rolling my eyes back at him. He thinks he is being particularly amusing tonight.

I was terrified though. He claims that he was just leaning in to whisper to me. But I don’t think so. I will let you make up your mind when you read the story. You may believe him, or you may think like I do.

Regardless, my first impressions? I was scared witless—I would use a different word, but, I am trying not to be too vulgar tonight. Trying. Needless to say, that is when I ran and when I found Hildy and the whole tangled mess got even worse. *sigh.* I am still not sure if I am mad at him or not over scaring me like that. I mean, come on, he could have approached me better. Don’t you agree?


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Missy, and her mate, Dominick, are characters out a book series starting with Into the Forest (coming July 2010 from Mundania Press) and the sequel, Underhill (work-in-progress) written by Cherry Dumas ( , , ,