Sunday, November 8, 2009


Sorry I was MIA last night. It was unavoidable. I was not feeling too well. I can’t go into the details. It would just worry Dominick.

I am afraid that he is going to start trying to force me to tell him what is going on. and I am not ready to. It would be different if it were simple…but it is not. And i refuse to talk about it…at least right now. So…I guess I had better change the subject before I accidently blab it here, or in my head.

He respects me enough that he knows when to not listen in…but it would be my luck that he would pop in right when something…dropped when I wasn’t planning on it, so…enough for now. soon. I promise I will tell him, and you, soon. But…yeah.

I hear he was on here last night, and tonight…and Rita was on here tonight. I don’t have the energy to read what they said. especially as I know Rita was probably harping on him. I’m right, aren’t I? Picture me heaving a deep sigh.

I’m not going into it. I am not. I cannot deal with this tonight. Not tonight. Tomorrow will be soon enough. I will catch up on what they said and then I will probably rip them both a new one. They will probably deserve it. God. The dra-a-ammma.

So, onto something safe. When I woke this evening in the cave, I woke to Galen breathing his hot doggy breath into my face. is there nothing worse than hot dog breath? I swear there is not.


Oh yeah, that’s right. you haven’t met Galen yet. Or did you? Has Dominick brought him up yet? Well, he will be a familiar name. He is such a sweat dog. A beautiful golden retriever. Though, I swear he is far more intelligent than a dog deserves to be. Or, did I bring him up? I can’t remember. I told you I wasn’t feeling well.

I will have to read back in all the blogs now. What did I say, what did they say…that sort of thing. Maybe I should go back to sleep. Sleep is good. but then…naaaw. I will just go be with Dominick.  We need to start our plans. He mentioned something about planning our trip to Ireland soon. Dad did too. I am nerovus about that. Do they speak English there? I don’t know much Irish…or do they still speak Gaelic…mom and dad taught me some when I was a child, but, it has been quite some time since we have spoken more than a word here or there. As you will be able to tell from my mish-mashed words in the book…and I probably put words in there that are probably very wrong. I will have to find out. And that nervousness to the upcoming book release in a few months…this is going to be fun…and I am not sure if it will be in a good way or not! Wink wink.


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Missy, and her mate, Dominick, are characters out a book series starting with Into the Forest (coming July 2010 from Mundania Press) and the sequel, Underhill (work-in-progress) written by Cherry Dumas ( , , ,